Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscar Night!

So it's Oscar Night again, and as a big movie fan I am moderately excited.  Only moderately excited b/c I've only seen a few of the nominated films.  I do like this new system of 10 nominated pictures since you get a broader range of movies/a better favoring of the critically acclaimed movies of the year.

I refuse to see The Social Network, on principle, since come on, it's a movie about freaking Facebook.  I do want to check out some of the others like The King's Speech and True Grit (definitely going to check them out on Netflicks when they come out)- I have a weakness for period pieces. I have however, seen Inception (AWESOME), The Kids are All Right, Black Swan, Toy Story 3, and How to Train Your Dragon.  Even though Toy Story 3 is a great movie and probably will win, I actually am rooting for How to Train Your Dragon, mainly because it holds up better over multiple viewings and has one of my favorite movie scores in a long while.  Do sample Forbidden FriendshipNew Tail, and Where's Hiccup?  The Inception soundtrack is equally fantastic.  Sample Time and Dream Within a Dream - initially when I first previewed the soundtrack before the movie (I'm a big Hans Zimmer fan and was excited to hear his latest score) I found the music a bit jarring but after watching the movie, I found it to be one of the best soundtracks I've heard in long time since it just goes *so well* with the movie especially with matching the main theme to a distorted version of "La Vie en Rose".  See Inception Music Comparison

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